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Ghost Preppers

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Vital Medications You Should Be Stockpiling


One thing you want to take seriously is medication. This is something every prepper should have stocked piled just in case problems arise. In recent times we saw how bad covid hit some stockists to the point where even headache medication was hard to get hold. Don’t get us started on flu and cold medication!

Think of it this way if you couldn’t visit a pharmacist for a few months would you truly be prepared? Normally you will be fully stocked with prescription medication so we will assume you get a 3-month supply, but what about everything else?

It’s not just you want to look out for, if there is any type of emergency and your you and your family rely on that medication, well then you better be fully stocked up. There are plenty of meds you will want to stock up on this guide will help you get prepared for the worse. Please note we are only planning a few months in advance; pills do expire so it’s always best to find alternative arrangements after a 3-month period.

Stockpile Medications Preppers Guide


Key Tip to Buying Vital Medications (meds)


If it’s your first time stockpiling medications you might be a little tempted to just buy anything and store it away. Now this is a rookie mistake. Not everything at the pharmacist is something you will need to purchase. Another thing to take note of is the price. It’s really worth while to shop around, some of the shop branded ones are actually so much cheaper and contain the same ingredients.

When you are looking around to purchase a product you should always ask the pharmacist if they have any off brand versions of the item you are purchasing. In some cases these can be up to 50% cheaper than the branded version. Since you are stockpiling these and they may go past their experience date it’s worth while to purchase them at a cheaper price.

You should have a fully stocked first aid kit too! There is no excuse. Accidents happen all the time at home so it’s only common sense to expect them to happen when you are out the0er on your own.

You should also visit your doctor and see if you can get a 3 month supply of your medication, you might be able to push it further if you state you are off on vacation. Please note some medications are restricted so this may not be an option to you. Doing some research on natural alternatives might be the best bet long term.


Cold and Flu

Please note cold and flu are different, they are not the same so may require different treatments. We recommend over the counter medications like aspirin, paracetamol and any cold and flu combi tablets.

Always be cautious when taking flu and cold medications, the last thing you want on your hands is an overdose to make matters worse. We want to ensure you are prepared if any illness my arise.



Now this one sure is important, some people have severe allergies and should always ensure they are protected in case anything bad happens to them, so ensure you have epi pens and backups just in case.

Now for normal allergies like skin rashes and irritants you can find basic creams and tablets are your local chemist. As we stated before try to get the cheaper version or the one that you feel works best for you.

It’s always best to have these things handy just in case oh and keep some calamine lotion it has so many uses!


Ghost Preppers ensure you have a fist aid kit ready


We need to think the worst going forward and one medication you are wanting to have is pain relief. We are not talking about end game here but headaches, bangs, bruises, cuts anything that you want relief from.

So ensure you have your aspirins, paracetamols and any other types of pain relieving medication you can get hold of. We have heard CBD can help with inflammation but we have yet to test that out.

You might find it hard to get hold of prescription medication so we advise you to try natural remedies instead. Plus they are addictive and we wouldn’t want issues further down the line especially if you are isolated.


Tummy Bugs and all the rest!

Let’s face it it’s part of living alone, you will from now and again get tummy bigs you know the Big Diarrhoea, heartburn and all the rest tied with it. This is no fun and if not taken care of can cause severe dehydration. This

There are plenty of over the counter meds you can get to solve these issues and I’m pretty sure you have had them In the past. Make sure you take the correct medications for any problems you have and do not take too many.


These is something people really do forget about. Antibiotics are one of the main reasons why a lot of use are still alive today. They are basically a modern-day miracle and can help fight off infection. Infections are serious and can become an emergency quite quickly.

You can get antibiotics from your local pharmacist please be aware that you should only use these if you suspect you have an infection. Taking too much of them will nullify their effect. Play close attention to the required amount and do not take too much.

Skin Medications

Pretty straight forwards majority of these items can be found in a first aid kit but you will want to sure you have some sun cream to protect you from the sun and some antibacterial cream.

General Medication

At the end of the day your stockpile of medications will depend on the specific needs of your family. So you need to ensure that all needs are taken care of. For example someone may have asthma or perhaps require blood thinners.

  • Birth control
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Children’s medications for infants
  • Laxatives
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Iodine
  • Blood Pressure Medication
  • Nausea medication
  • Sleeping pills

If you find yourself in an emergency and you can’t get to the pharmacy, you will want to ensure that you have everything you need in your home. We recommend you follow this short guide and ensure you have everything you need.



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